Some of us have had gardens for years. I remember gardening as a child and hating to pull weeds. Now my children dislike the job and I just love gardening and pulling weeds. Why do we pull weeds anyway? We have a neighbor that plants a garden every year but never pulls any weeds. Oh, yes, he has lots of weeds and he just chops them off with a weed eater every spring before he starts over. I doubt that they harvest many vegetables. This year we are mulching our garden with lots of grass clippings. Oh, but you don’t have a grass catcher or much lawn. Well, neither do we. Meaning the grass catcher not the lawn as we have lots. But we have a neighbor that is a landscaper and he brings several large loads of grass a week. The children hate spreading it but it sure cuts down on the weeds.
The grass holds in the moisture and the plants are really growing. It is also nice to pick peas and be able to walk on thick grass instead of mud.
The cabbages are looking nice and it seems like the grasshoppers don’t like eating them. My potato patch has been invaded with tiny 1/2 inch grasshoppers. They have done more damage to the potatoes then all the potato bugs have. I have now sprayed them in hopes that they disappear before all the leaves do.
I love to till the garden and there was a little left that didn’t have any grass yet so I was able to enjoy a bit of fresh soil under my toes. The corn has jumped and now it is almost as tall as me. So how is your garden doing this year?
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