Summer is a time when there are lots of things to do, right? Or do you sometimes hear your children say, “I’m bored!”
I find that if they have enough jobs to do for part of the day then they have no problem with being bored. My children know that if they tell me that they are bored then Mom will quickly find something for them to do and it might not be what they are looking for!
One of the biggest activities around here is reading. We always have lots of books around and what could be better then sitting in the air conditioning with a good book? Or better yet, take your book outside and enjoy the great outdoors.
For some children, reading is a chore. Make it fun by sitting with them and reading every other paragraph for them. Or give them a set amount for every book they read so they can buy the rabbit that they are wishing for.
Our children really enjoy biking. In the evenings when it is cooler they enjoy a short ride down the road and back. It’s best if it is not a heavily driven road and that they wear helmets.
Let them have a small garden or flower bed of their own. Or let them harvest and sell extras from your garden.
Our girls enjoy baking and always groan when I say,”No baking today!” Maybe we need to find someone to bless with our baked goodies. I also find that it is good for their math skills when they need to double a recipe.
We enjoy laying out patches for quilts. Every July when it gets hot we enjoy doing that in our cool basement. We give the patches to an elderly friend who then sews them together.
Our housecleaning gets done in the summer. Everything gets taken off the walls and then the walls are washed. The furniture gets moved, the windows washed, and every thing gets dusted. No, it’s not a favorite activity but it feels so nice when it is done.
We all love a good puzzle. My find at a thrift store this week was a puzzle that they had to put together and then they can color it. Very hard and time consuming to put together but so much fun to color.
One of the favorite activities of the summer is when I say, “How bout a break and we go shopping?” It doesn’t happen very often so that is very special. Usually that means that we will go to thrift stores and see what for bargains we can find.
So what are your favorite activities for the summer?
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