The garden is looking sad with many weeds. It had been so nice and clean but with rain and sunshine somehow the weeds grew when I wasn’t looking. We are all tired of gardening, pulling weeds, and seeing ripe tomatoes.
Speaking of tomatoes, we wonder if they won’t soon be over. The last month I have been looking at them no more then once a week. You see, if I look at them I always find some that need to be picked and I can’t bare to let them go to waste. I have done lots of pizza sauce, salsa, and tomato juice. I decided to check if there were any tomatoes this morning so I could make some soup.
Here is the recipe I used.
Tomato soup
1/2 basket of tomatoes
6 medium onions
1 bunch of celery
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup salt
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup butter
Cut up tomatoes. Add diced onions and celery. Cook till celery is soft. Put through strainer. Blend dry ingredients into juice. Add butter and simmer for 30 minutes. Seal in hot sterilized jars. Makes about 4 quarts.
My lunch was a bowl of delicious tomato soup with crackers. Now I can look forward to more good hot soup on a cold winter day.
You may have noticed my little enamel cup sitting beside my jars. My mother in law was telling me how nice these little cups are for canning. When I remarked that I will need to get one, she promptly gifted me with one. Now this summer whenever I do some canning I think about her. It is so handy to use for pouring liquids from the kettle to the jars.
Now that I did these last tomatoes (maybe!) I need to think about the 5 bushel of apples that are waiting in the garage to be made into applesauce. Then maybe I will be done with canning. Or maybe not, since tomorrow I want to can chicken thighs and then there is always soup and brown beans to can. What are some things that you would like to can yet this fall?
I need to make salsa , marinara sauce, & just can some tomato juice & maybe make some tomato soup!
Do you bring tomatoes in to ripen before frost?